Keeping the community connected and the culture alive.
What We Do
We Organize | We Participate!
Education of Culture
AAWSG participates in various international activities and festivals in Atlanta. Our members present educational exhibits highlighting the diverse Arab cultures. Occasionally, the society presents a performing arts program focusing on Arab folk dancing.
Enrichment Programs
AAWSG organizes educational lectures and book discussions relating to issues of interest to our members.
Charitable Programs
The society engages in charitable activities as a fundamental service to the community. Though at a small scale, our charitable activities have helped support local and national causes.
Collaboration with Others
AAWSG is always looking for opportunities for collaboration on events that share our mission, the education and empowerment of women of Arab-American heritage. For requests, please contact us via email at: to be continued.
Gather, Collaborate, & Create
What we do!
- Annually at the Atlanta Arab Festival organized by the Alif Institute, Atlanta
- AAWSG participates annually at the Winter Wonderland held and organized by the Fernbank Museum, Atlanta
- AAWSG co-sponsors the Model League of Arab States held and organized at Marist School, Atlanta
- AAWSG collaborates and partners with organizations looking to promote diversity and cultural education within their programs.

Latest Updates
Mother’s Day Luncheon 2023
We look forward to seeing you.
Syria Earthquake Appeal
More than 10,000 people have died and thousands more are injured following a 7.8 magnitude earthquake with an epicenter in southern Turkey close to the Syrian Border. Thousands of buildings collapsed and left their residents without shelter. The National Arab American Medication Association Foundation (NAAMA) is raising funds to support relief efforts in Syria through UNICEF (United Nations International Children Relief Fund). We are appealing to your generosity and invite you to support...
Welcome to 2023
Throughout the years, AAWSG activities have highlighted the common values that unite all Arab Americans and bring them closer to the broader community. With your support, we will have a very successful year achieving our mission of sharing our culture and values with our Atlanta community. More than ever, AAWSG needs your help in making our children continue to be proud of their heritage. We have accomplished many great things in the past and you were a part of our journey, please join us...
Making Strides against Breast Cancer Walk
For over twenty years, the Arab American Women’s Society of Georgia (AAWSG) has been joining thousands of people in Atlanta in Making Strides Against Breast Cancer! This walk started by the American Cancer Society to unite communities and individuals with a collective goal to end breast cancer as we know it. The walk is designed to raise awareness and raise funds for breast cancer research, services, education, and advocacy. Breast cancer has touched or will touch someone you know. The disease...
Since 1985
The Arab American Women’s Society of Georgia, Inc. is a 501 c(3) non-profit educational and charitable organization. Established in 1985, the society’s programs educate about the diverse Arab cultures and Arab Americans. In addition, AAWSG participates in charitable activities organized by other charitable organizations. AAWSG also promotes the Arab culture by partnering with other cultural enrichment programs and organizations.